
016 – Chewing Louses and Accretion Flares

Last week we made a huge mistake and said that people bought coffee beans that were pooped out from monkeys.  That was false, it was a cat-like thing…and it’s expensive stuff.  Scientists claim to have found the source of life in the universe.  It’s star…

015 – Bob’s your Uncle, it’s a Planet Core

Whale sharks have teeth in their eyes, but weird teeth.  The sponge guy is back, taking even more wet sponges for Guinness World records.  Different kinds of light have an effect on mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell.  This is some wacky shit.  There is…

014 – The North is Moving

Remember the Little Rascals movie from 1994?  One of those kids got arrested!  The Lochness monster, he somehow is still around.  A company is mapping the ocean floor and they’ve already mapped one fifth of it.  Evidence that the magnetic north pole is shifting.  It’s…

013 – The Word of the Day is: Quiescent

We’re back in the studio again and to celebrate, we do shots..  Bad news, this episode might not be heard by anyone because the 2012 doomsday could be any day now.  The timing was off!  Evidence of “royalty” 5000 years ago…really gross evidence.  A giant…

012 – The Real Treasure is the Journey

The first woman to walk in space, just became the first woman to dive to the Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the Mariana Trench.  A man was trapped at the bottom of the sea for 60 hours.  Definite shrinkage.  Forest Fenn’s treasure has finally…

010 – Better Than Most Mini-Moons

Earth’s latest Mini-Moon recently left orbit.  Pour one out for our Mini-Moon homies.  You cannot print an object bigger than the printer itself, obviously…until now mofo’s.  This stuff expands!  A new way to make concrete on the moon that may surprise or sicken you.  Scientists…

007 – Defenders of the Heart

Breaking news, the Navy officially declassified and recognizes those UFO videos from a few years ago are real.  Set your phasers to intrigued.  Breast implants, can they save your life?  When do Guinness world records go too far?  A lady is peeing something that might…