032 – Dark Matter Delivery System
Strange lights were seen over Hawaii, and apparently it wasn’t UFO’s. Water has been detected on the moon, which is good for future Moon bases. Stan, the very complete T-Rex Skeleton, was sold at auction. Scientists created a robotic fabric. Haven’t you always wanted a robot blanket? Would you go to war over illegal tennis courts? Kickstarter corner, are these inventions weird or cool? A device was created that can measure the temperature of an object… by the sound it emits. The FDA approved a new treatment for ebola. About half of the stars similar to our sun’s temperature have rocky planets capable of liquid water. Evidently the tobacco hawk moth adapted to pollution and has a badass name. And finally: Florida or Australia.
Also, we will be taking the next week off, but don’t fret.
Check us out on the Switch the Envelope podcast Nov. 9. It was a great time.
Water Rush? Space Water Rush? Water Space Rush? This needs to be a show! – Max
I want a story of some backwoods family that sells there family plot to go to the Moon and mine water…that’s amazing – Sean
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